The purpose of The Bradley County Veterans Museum is to memorialize all Bradley. County servicemen and women alive or deceased who served

this nation in war or peace, to help educate and inform our citizens about their military heritage, and to preserve their military history.

We have a Veterans Museum in Bradley County because it’s important to capture the names, pictures and stories of the men and women who

served, names written in sweat, blood, and tears. We find their names daily in the obituaries. The men and women who served in WWI are all gone

and the ranks are thinning fast for those who served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and other places around the world. But our nation is blessed with

young men and women who continue to step up to protect and defend our nation and our way of life.

Our goal, is to capture photos, stories, and service information before the veterans are gone and their service information is lost to

history. Peacetime service is just as important as wartime service. We want pictures and stories and information in the museum for all who lived

in Bradley County at some time in their life and served in the military, to include the National Guard and Reserves. The armed forces are made up

of warriors, healers, builders, and peacekeepers and Bradley County has furnished more than its share for our nation’s military.

We have a responsibility to remember the millions of men and women, especially those who have lived in Bradley County, who answered the call

to serve our nation in war and peace. We can’t put a price on freedom and we cannot put a price on the sacrifices made by generations of

courageous Americans who put their lives in harm’s way to defend the liberty we all love, but we can recognize the price they paid by honoring

them and showing them that we are genuinely thankful for their service. We don’t want those who served to ever be forgotten. Visitors from all

over the nation and several foreign countries visit the Museum. Classes from area schools, people attending high school reunions, people visiting

family and friends in the area, and other individuals and groups tour the Museum throughout the year.

Bradley County Veterans, Inc. is an “all-volunteer” organization, no paid

employees. Volunteers staff the Museum Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM-

4:00 PM and Saturday from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM. Visitors may make arrangements

to visit the Museum at other times by contacting Museum staff at 870-226-2329

during operating hours or by contacting us via e-mail at or by personal contact at the Museum.